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Agung Kurniawan , Master of History Education, Sebelas Maret University Postgraduate Program Surakarta-Indonesia
Warto Sutimin , Professor of History Education, Sebelas Maret University Postgraduate Program Surakarta-Indonesia


This research critically examines the presence of hegemonic ideology in historical education, specifically focusing on the heroic narratives presented in classroom settings. By deconstructing these narratives, the study seeks to unveil the subtle influences of hegemony on the shaping of historical perspectives. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, the research analyzes textbooks, curriculum structures, and pedagogical methods to identify and critique the ideological underpinnings embedded in the representation of heroes within historical contexts. The findings illuminate the potential consequences of perpetuating hegemonic narratives in education and propose alternative approaches to foster a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of history.


Hegemony, Historical Education, Heroic Narratives


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Agung Kurniawan, & Warto Sutimin. (2023). UNMASKING HEGEMONY: DISSECTING HEROIC NARRATIVES IN HISTORICAL EDUCATION. Current Research Journal of History, 4(12), 09–12.