It is known that Ishakhon Tora Ibrat's (1874–1922) “History of Fergana” is a valuable source of information on the social, cultural and diplomatic history of the entire valley and even neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Kashgar, Tajikistan, Turkestan, parts of Kazakhstan are political,, which belonged to the territory of the Kokand Khanate at that time. It also contains information on the history of architectural monuments in these areas. They can be classified into three groups: 1) The play compiles the history of who built the monument, when and where; 2) The history of the monument is filled with new information; 3) Religious legends about the monument are given.
The article illustrates these groups on the basis of examples and shows the importance of Ishakhon Tora Ibrat's work “History of Fergana” in filling in the information on the history of architectural monuments of Fergana.
Amir al-Muslim, History of Fergana, medicine, astronomy, literature, art, architectural monuments, Umarkhan mosque, Kyrgyzstan,, Kashgar, Tajikistan, Turkestan, and KazakhstanHow to Cite
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According to some sources, Bibi Ubayda is sometimes interpreted as the mother of Shah Jarir, the commander, and sometimes as his wife. See: [15:13; 3: 57-71, 83-86, 90-91, 95-101; 1: 64-67].
Muhammad Jarir - The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.) married his daughter Gulsum to Uthman (r.a.). After Gulsum's death, he also married his eldest daughter, Zaynab, to him, so 'Uthman (r.a.) took the nickname zu-n-nurayn - the owner of two lights. The son of Uthman and Zaynab was named Muhammad Jarir, who became famous among the people as King Jarir. In some narrations, Muhammad is interpreted as Jarir ibn Abdullah ibn Uthman, that is, the grandson of Uthman (ra). See [2:19; 8].