In an interconnected world characterized by mobility and globalization, the concept of parenting has transcended geographical boundaries and cultural norms, giving rise to the phenomenon of "globo-parenting." This study delves into the intricacies of globo-parenting, exploring how parents navigate the complex global landscape while raising their children. Through qualitative research, cross-cultural analyses, and theoretical exploration, the study investigates the challenges, opportunities, and evolving dynamics of contemporary child-rearing in a globalized context. The findings shed light on the negotiation of cultural identities, the impact of technology and transnational networks, and the role of education in globo-parenting. By examining the convergence of diverse parenting practices and their implications, this research contributes to our understanding of the nuanced world of child-rearing in the 21st century.
Globo-parenting, contemporary child-rearing, globalizationHow to Cite
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