Open Access Policy for Master Journals

  1. Introduction Master Journals is committed to disseminating scholarly research to the widest possible audience, promoting knowledge sharing, and fostering academic collaboration. As part of this commitment, we have established an Open Access Policy to ensure that research published in our journals is freely accessible to the global community.

  2. Scope This policy applies to all research articles published in Master Journals.

  3. Open Access Model Master Journals operates under the Gold Open Access model, where articles are freely available to readers immediately upon publication. Authors retain copyright of their work, and users are granted permission to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles without requiring any subscription or payment.

  4. License To facilitate open access, authors are required to select an appropriate Creative Commons license for their articles. The following licenses are recommended:

    • Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.
  5. Author Responsibilities Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submissions comply with this Open Access Policy. This includes selecting an appropriate Creative Commons license and acknowledging any funding sources or institutional affiliations that support the research.

  6. Publication Fees To cover the costs associated with peer review, editorial processes, and online hosting, Master Journals charges an article processing charge 100$ (APC) for accepted manuscripts. Authors are responsible for paying these fees, although waivers or discounts may be available for authors from low-income countries or under special circumstances.

  7. Archiving and Preservation Master Journals is committed to the long-term preservation of published content. Articles are archived in trusted digital repositories to ensure their accessibility and permanence.

  8. Compliance with Funding Agencies Authors are required to comply with any funding agency mandates regarding open access publication. This may include depositing a copy of the final published article in a designated repository or ensuring immediate open access upon publication.

  9. Review and Revision This Open Access Policy will be periodically reviewed and revised to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving standards and practices in scholarly publishing.

  10. Effective Date This policy is effective immediately upon adoption and applies to all manuscripts submitted for publication after the date of adoption.

  11. Communication Master Journals will actively communicate this Open Access Policy to authors, reviewers, editors, and other stakeholders through our website, submission guidelines, and other relevant channels.

  12. Contact Information For inquiries or further information regarding this Open Access Policy, authors and other stakeholders may contact the editorial office of Master Journals

This Open Access Policy reflects our commitment to advancing knowledge dissemination and facilitating global access to scholarly research. We encourage authors to embrace open access principles and contribute to the collective growth of human knowledge.