This paper aims to deal with the medieval Arabic commentaries on Aristotle’s kind-crossing prohibition introduced in his Posterior Analytics. Islamic Peripatetic philosophers, commenting on the doctrine of allowed and illicit kind-crossing, generally support the ideas of Aristotle. They, like Aristotle, think that all sciences should be kept in their own compartments and autonomously of each other. Since they worry that trying to understand everything as a whole and bring everything together will hinder the development of these compartmentalized sciences. However, it was impossible to talk about the development of science by including all the sciences in separate compartments. Therefore, on the basis of the principles of logic, a two-way relationship was established between the sciences, one giving a demonstration of fact, and the other a demonstration of a cause, and the resulting hierarchy to a certain extent ensured the fulfilment of the expected task.
Aristotle, Avicenna, AverroesHow to Cite
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