Not only the beauty, but also the intelligence and courage of Turkic women have been the subject of admiration since ancient times. In the Turkic states, these aspects were given special attention in the education of women belonging to the ruling family. The article examines the activities of Mahlar Ayim, the wife of the Kokand ruler Amir Umar Khan, as a stateswoman, her titles indicating her royalty, her contribution to the development of science, literature, culture, art, urban planning, as well as patronage in Kokand Khanate. Also, the paper gives an information about the poems she wrote as a bilingual Uzbek poetess, the manuscripts of her diwans in Uzbek and Persian, as well as the line of Uzbek poetesses she founded. On the example of Mahlar Ayim-Nadira, the activities of princesses in the Turkic state will be analyzed.
Kokand Literary Environment, Princess, ManuscriptHow to Cite
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