The author of the article claims that archaeological research and scientific research were carried out in Central Asia in the first half of the twentieth century, including the archaeological study of the Samarkand Sogd by G.V.Grigoriev and A.I.Terenozhkin. The article presents material on the directions of development of archaeological science in Uzbekistan and in Samarkand Sogd on the example of the work of prominent scientists and specialists who carried out archaeological excavations in the first half of the twentieth century. It also reveals the origins of the addition of archaeological research methodology at the stages of the formation and development of archeology. The author notes large archaeological expeditions and their achievements during the period under study. However, in addition to the merits and achievements in scientific theoretical and practical research, errors, lack of personnel, experience and methods for conducting archaeological excavations and research are shown.
Uzbekistan, Samarkand Sogd, G.V. Grigoriev, A.I. Terenozhkin,, archeology, archaeologists,, history, ancient, historical sources, archaeological excavations, archaeological finds, archaeological methods, archaeological research, archaeological expedition, stratigraphy, periodizationHow to Cite
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