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Mukhabbat Madirimovna Makhmudova , Department Of Propaedeutics Of Internal Medicine Tashkent Medical Academy Urgench Branch Urgench, Uzbekistan


The article briefly highlights the history of the study of the health problem by Uzbek scientists in a certain period of time. The works of the authors are divided into groups based on their quality, nature and focus. Monographic and dissertation research is especially highlighted. Used methods of chronological and comparative analysis, particular attention is paid to the study of orientalists of Uzbekistan and publications of foreign authors. It is recognized that as a result of the implementation of the results of dissertation research by individual authors, there is an optimization of the structure of health care authorities and a decrease in the level of disease in the population. 

Over the years of independence, a health care reform program has been implemented. Much has been done to improve its quality and culture of timeliness and efficiency. A network of urgent emergency care, rural medical outpatient clinics and city polyclinics, multidisciplinary specialized clinics, scientific centers has been created. Medical care for women and children of the country is provided at the level of world standards, personnel training is carried out in 14 medical universities and one pharmaceutical institute, in 85 medical colleges. Advanced training and retraining of medical personnel is carried out in universities and an advanced training institute.

At present, it is one of the most important branches of the country’s national economy. As a result of socio-economic and medical measures in Uzbekistan, medical care has become universal and publicly available, such dangerous diseases as cholera, plague, smallpox, parasitic typhus, trachoma have been eliminated, and the incidence of many others has been reduced. Over the past 10 years, the incidence of the population with such socially dangerous ailments as congenital defects by 32.4%, infectious diseases by 40%, the incidence of the upper respiratory tract has decreased by 4.2 times. The incidence of diphtheria, paratyphoid fever, poliomyelitis, malaria has been completely eradicated [1].     

The health care system employs about 650 thousand people (this is almost 10 percent of the able-bodied population of the republic), including more than 84 thousand doctors and 500 thousand paramedical workers. An extensive network of medical institutions in Uzbekistan is capable of providing the necessary medical and preventive care to the entire population.


Uzbekistan, health care history, monograph,, dissertation, doctors,, rape, scientists, etc.


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