This article presents a biographical analysis of political prisoners in the Andaman Islands. The Andaman Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, served as a significant site for the incarceration of political prisoners during various periods of colonial and post-colonial history. Through a comprehensive examination of the life stories and experiences of these prisoners, this study aims to shed light on their motivations, ideologies, and the impact of their imprisonment on their lives. The analysis draws on historical records, memoirs, and interviews to construct a detailed narrative of the political prisoners in the Andamans. The findings provide insights into the diverse backgrounds, political affiliations, and struggles endured by these individuals, contributing to a deeper understanding of the history of political dissent and resistance in the Andaman Islands.
Political prisoners, Andaman Islands, biographical analysisHow to Cite
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English translation is used here is conducted by V.K. Naik under the little the story of my transportation for life: A biography of black days in Andamans.
Savarkar VD. Majhi Janmathep. V.N. Naik, Trans. The story of my transportation for life: A biography of black days in Andamans; c1928.
Savarkar VD. Majhi Janmathep. V.N. Naik, Trans. The story of my transportation for life: A biography of black days in Andamans; c1928.
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Savarkar VD. MajhiJanmathep. V.N. Naik, Trans. The story of my transportation for life: A biography of black days in Andamans; c1928.
Savarkar VD. MajhiJanmathep. V.N. Naik, Trans. The story of my transportation for life: A biography of black days in Andamans; c1928.