Current Research Journal of Pedagogics is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to advancing the field of pedagogy by publishing high-quality research and innovative practices in education. Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to contribute to the global discourse on pedagogy, fostering collaboration and the exchange of knowledge to enhance teaching and learning across diverse educational contexts.

Scope: Current Research Journal of Pedagogics welcomes contributions from a wide range of educational disciplines, including but not limited to:

  1. Pedagogical Research: We invite original research articles that explore various aspects of pedagogy, such as teaching methods, instructional strategies, curriculum development, and assessment practices. We encourage studies that investigate the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches in diverse educational settings.

  2. Innovative Teaching Practices: Current Research Journal of Pedagogics aims to showcase innovative and transformative teaching practices that engage learners and promote active participation. We welcome articles that describe and evaluate new pedagogical methods, technologies, and tools that enhance the teaching and learning experience.

  3. Teacher Professional Development: This journal seeks to support the professional growth of educators worldwide. We welcome submissions related to teacher training, professional development programs, and the impact of ongoing learning on classroom practices.

  4. Educational Policy and Reform: Current Research Journal of Pedagogics is interested in research that examines educational policies, reforms, and their implications for pedagogical practices. We encourage critical analyses of policies and their effects on teaching and learning outcomes.

  5. Inclusivity and Diversity: We promote research that addresses issues of inclusivity, diversity, and equity in education. Articles exploring strategies for creating inclusive classrooms and fostering equitable learning opportunities are highly encouraged.

  6. Interdisciplinary Perspectives: We recognize that pedagogy draws insights from various academic disciplines. Pedagogy Journal invites interdisciplinary research that enriches our understanding of teaching and learning from multiple perspectives.

  7. Global Education: In an increasingly interconnected world, we welcome studies that explore the challenges and opportunities of global education, international collaborations, and cross-cultural pedagogical practices.

  8. Critical Pedagogy: We encourage scholarship that engages with critical pedagogy, social justice education, and transformative learning experiences that empower learners to critically examine the world around them.

  9. Open Education Resources (OER): Pedagogy Journal is interested in research on the development, use, and impact of open education resources, which have the potential to democratize education and expand access to learning materials.

  10. Pedagogical Technology: We invite contributions on the integration of technology in pedagogy, including online and blended learning, educational software, and the use of digital tools to enhance instruction.

Current Research Journal of Pedagogics aims to be a forum for rigorous and thought-provoking research that advances the theory and practice of pedagogy. We encourage both empirical and theoretical contributions that have the potential to inform educational policy, improve teaching practices, and ultimately enhance the quality of education on a global scale. Our commitment to open access ensures that knowledge is freely accessible, fostering a broader and more inclusive conversation about pedagogy.