This article explores one of the issues in the moderen linguistics – aspectuality, its history hosting ancient origin, its types including turlocutive, illocutive, perlocutive and fields based on inchoative, interactive, procedural, terminative, resulting are discussed in samples of the authentic materials of world literature on the basis of aspectual-semantic field of the verb to tell in the English language. Moreover, scientific works of linguists through the world have been analyzed in aspectual semantics of verbs: whether the verb is finite/non-finite, and whether the action of the verb has reached this limit or not, including whether the action of the verb is completed or incomplete is observed. The distinction between these meanings, the limited/ unlimited properties, perfectivity/unperfectivity, acts, aspectual semantics also aspectual situations of verbs of speech perception and other particular peculiarities including some special characteristics of aspectuality are outlined in this article as well.
Aspectuality, semantic field, turlocutionaryHow to Cite
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