In linguistics, the comparison of languages has always been in the center of attention. Although it is recognized by scholars that Japanese and Uzbek belong to the same language family, the Altaic language family, grammatical phenomena in both languages are not the same. While both languages have similarities, they also have differences. Comparing languages belonging to the same language family involves studying the phenomena that occur in that language. The category of agreement is widely observed in both languages, but there are some agreements between Japanese agreement agreements, which are given with one agreement in Uzbek, and the scope of application is narrow. The category of consonants is widely observed in both languages, but there are some consonants among the Japanese suffixes, which are given with one consonant in Uzbek, and the scope of application is also narrow. This article provides a comparative analysis of the Uzbek suffix of the accusative case and the differences between them
agreement, [ni] agreement suffix, [e] the suffix of agreement;, morphological means, spaceHow to Cite
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