Translation Of Common Words And Phrases In The Novel “Days Gone By” By Abdulla Kadiri

Section: Articles Published Date: 2020-12-20 Pages: 12-18 Views: 53 Downloads: 68


  • Khayrulla Khudoyorovich Hamidov Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Department of “Translation Studies and International Journalism” Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the study of Turkish and Russian translations of common words and phrases in the novel “Days Gone Bu” by Abdulla Kadiri, a well-known representative of twentieth-century Uzbek literature, a well-known writer and the founder of Uzbek novels, subtleties, folk culture, and national identity. In the article, the author emphasizes that the Uzbek and Turkish languages belong to the same language family, and that the translator should be very careful when translating the work, and should study the original source in depth.


Common word, phrase, Uzbek spirit, translator's skill, author's style, originality, melody, nationality, literary translation, full (adequate) translation, alternative (equivalent)