This article is devoted to the linguistic research and classification of ergonims in the Uzbek language. The article talks about the term ergonim and the scientific name ergonimics based on it, the classification of onomastic units, the place, description and classification of the micro-scale of ergonims, the analysis of research conducted in the field in world linguistics.
Ergonim,, ergonimika, ergonimikon,How to Cite
The scientific project “Naming in the Uzbek language: creation of regulatory and legal foundations” was carried out at the TashDO'TAU named after Alisher Navoi (project leader - Ph.D., Assoc. M. Saparniyazova); Saparniyazova M., Orozov J. National-cultural features of name creation in the Uzbek language. -T.: Reliable partner, 2021; D. Lutfullayeva, M. Saparniyazova, R. Davlatova. Monograph. Linguistic-normative foundations of name creation in Uzbek language. - Tashkent. 2022; Khudoyberganova D. Explanatory and recommended dictionary of names of organizations, enterprises and institutions. -T.: A reliable partner, 2021.
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19. Moscow restoronyms in terms of graphics.
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