Fruit And Vegetables… Exploring Gastronomic Idioms In English And Uzbek (The Linguo-Cultural Analysis Of English And Uzbek Phraseological Units With The Components Fruit And Vegetables)

Section: Articles Published Date: 2020-12-22 Pages: 24-32 Views: 156 Downloads: 340




The paper discusses the importance of gastronomic idioms and how they reflect the ethnic and cultural identity of a given nation. Gastronomic idioms can be analyzed from three different perspectives, i.e. the international, national, and the local. The article proves the idea that fruit and vegetable idioms are the best option to learn about the nation and its traditions. Phraseologies are signs of any nation and can illustrate the history and culture of any nation. English and Uzbek idioms were excerpted from a variety of lexicographic works and analyzed from a cultural perspective. Several English idioms have been studied and it becomes clear that they have a strong link with history and a close tie with religion. Since most idioms came from The Holly book, therefore, they have deep meaning. The article analyzes English idiomatic units with the help of Uzbek equivalents and it has been found that the majority of idiomatic units describe the identity of a nation that lives in the ethnic community with a wide cultural aspect. Most idioms have very close or even similar meanings although they appeared in various centuries.


Gastronomic, culture, phraseology, idiom, etymology, fruit, vegetable