This study investigates the relationship between translation competence and higher-order thinking skills in novice translators. As translation requires not only linguistic proficiency but also critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities, understanding this link is crucial for developing effective translation curricula. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative assessments of translation competence with qualitative analyses of students' higher-order thinking skills through case studies and reflective exercises. Findings reveal a significant correlation between translation competence and the application of higher-order thinking skills, suggesting that novice translators who demonstrate stronger analytical and evaluative skills produce higher-quality translations. The study emphasizes the need for educational frameworks that integrate higher-order thinking into translation training, fostering not only linguistic skills but also the cognitive capabilities essential for successful translation practices. Ultimately, this research contributes to the field of translation studies by highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to translator education that nurtures both language proficiency and critical thinking abilities.
Translation competence, higher-order thinking skills, novice translatorsHow to Cite
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