Section: Articles Published Date: 2021-07-14 Pages: 05-09 Views: 35 Downloads: 118


  • Muazzama Foziliya Student Faculty Of Turkic Studies Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the phenomenon of renaming events and individuals by describing their characteristics, not by their names. It has also been suggested that people have nicknames that refer to their strengths and weaknesses. Paraphrases are then used to describe speech as a means of stylistics. Paraphrases are said to be renaming by describing objects, events, and types, and their types are listed according to their structure. Paraphrases have been noted to serve not only to enrich charm, imagery, and speech, but also to reinforce its content. The lexical unit of the nickname, in turn, has four different meanings. At the same time, Rashod Nuri Guntekin connects the whole system of events in the novel “Cholikushi” with certain paraphrases and divides them into three parts: “Farida – Cholikushi”, “Farida – Silkworm”, “Farida – Gulbashakar”. It is said that the events of the work are developed by the author around these paraphrases, and the author creates original tools. It is emphasized that each paraphrase and nickname in the work is a unique invention of the author, which is skillfully used in the novel as a methodological tool. It is noted that Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novel “Cholikushi” effectively used paraphrases and nicknames. The author is in his work “Çalıkuşu”( Cholikushi), “İpekböceği”(Silkworm), “Gülbeşeker”(Gulbashakar), “Evliya parmaklığı”(Saint’s paw), “Küçük”(Small) paraphrases, “Sakallı Amca”(Bearded Uncle), “Gourde”(Gourd), “San çıyanı”(Yellow scorpion), “Ayı Dayı”( Bear wrestler), “Sarı zalim”(yellow cruel), “Sarı mahluk”(yellow monster), “Düldül”(Duldul), “Odabaşı”(Captain), “Sevgili ayıcıklarım”(dear bears) emphasis was placed on the skillful use of nicknames in their place, and analyzed through examples. In the conclusion, the main part of the nicknames are Turkish words, some of which are Persian (gül, dayı) and Arabic (zalim, mahluk) words, only one nickname is French (gourde) which was used to convey the spirit of the time.


Renaming, nickname, aesthetic relation, paraphrase,, stylistic means, types of paraphrases, nickname and its four different meanings, Rashod Nuri Guntekin,, novel “Cholikushi”.