Blogger Status and Professionalization of Blogging Activities in The Media System
The rapid and dynamic evolution of technology is significantly influencing journalists’ creative activities, gradually complicating and changing processes. This evolution has given rise to “Internet journalism,” a new form of mass communication that integrates Internet, print, and audiovisual media technologies. As a result, traditional communication channels and rules for presenting social content have significantly expanded. Among the diverse range of multimedia specialists, bloggers have begun to occupy a unique and crucial position.
This scientific article analyzes expert opinions on the professionalization of blogging and its role in journalism. The article aims to develop blogging activities in the media system and determine its place in the country’s socio-political life. It aims to achieve speed, multimedia capabilities, objectivity, and genre diversity in information exchange by analyzing its features as a new form of media. “Internet journalism” emerged as a new form of mass communication, combining Internet, print, and audiovisual media technologies. As a result, this led to a significant expansion of traditional communication channels and the rules for presenting social content.
Blogger, blogging activity, blogger statusHow to Cite
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