On the Translations of Oybek's Works into World Languages

Section: Articles Published Date: 2025-02-28 Pages: 54-58 Views: 0 Downloads: 0


  • Rasulova Kamola Doctoral student of the Department of Translation Studies and International Journalism, TDSHU, Uzbekistan


This article tells about the works of the famous Uzbek writer Oybek and their translations. It tells about the translators who translated the works, as well as the achievements and shortcomings in the translation process.

The peculiarity of the works of the Uzbek writer Oybek is that they show the recent past, the way of life of the Uzbek people, that this is a people capable of showing their will even in difficult times, the unique qualities of a hard-working people. The fact that these works have been translated into several languages of the world shows that there is great interest in the works of Oybek in other countries. Among other things, these works, revealing our nationality, give foreign readers the opportunity to get acquainted with the Uzbek people, customs and mentality.

In the writer's novel "Kutlug Kon" (1940), the realistic spirit was manifested with great skill, and in the novel "Navoi" (1944), he was the first in Uzbek literature to create the image of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi.


Novel, artistic translation, nationality