The current state of scientific development of current problems of linguistics, the tasks of lexicology, the general development prospects of the theory of meaning and evaluation require the search for linguistic innovations, a new look at previous problems, and at the same time include current issues. Linguistics has been studied in a comparative way into the orbit of scientific research. The current stage of development of linguistics places the task of researchers to re-examine these issues on the basis of modern methods, one of which is the method of studying language materials as a specific system. This is because language and its layers are integrated with the layers as a whole, including the dictionary itself. Each dictionary is represented by its own layered system, because each word and, accordingly, each concept occupies a certain place in this system, which is determined by its relationship with other words and concepts.
Lexemes, homonymous terms, synonymous terms, in polysemy,education, pedagogy, terms, institution, organization, learners,schools, features,semantic,language,gradeHow to Cite
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Online Etimological Dictionary: https://www.etymonline.com/search?q= beleaguer
Online Etymology Dictionary. 2016. URL: http://etymonline.com