In this article I am going to share my experience of using different methods of teaching English as a foreign language in non-philological educational institutions. Modern society requires competitive specialists who are able to communicate in a professional foreign language in their specialty. The question of how to teach a professionally oriented English has become more relevant today than ever. First of all, it should be said that the content of teaching a foreign language as a complex dialectical unity formed from the interaction of a certain the way of organized educational material and the process of teaching it is determined by the totality of educational, developmental and educational learning goals. In modern methods of teaching foreign languages, the main emphasis is on the formation of communicative competence. The communicative competence of a specialist can be defined as the ability of a specialist to carry out communication in the process of execution various actions and solving different problems based on specially formed knowledge and skills.
professional activities, professional competencies, language skills, language competencies, communicative competence, language of professional communication, English for professional purposes, legal English, interactive methods, sublanguage, learning activity, legal systemsHow to Cite
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