Section: Articles Published Date: 2021-12-26 Pages: 195-200 Views: 33 Downloads: 117


  • Shakhnoza Karimova Teacher, Turkish Philology Department, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


Ferit Edgu is one of the best writers of not only Turkish literature but also World literature. He has written his works in different genres such as novels, short stories, memoirs, poems and essays. The author who revealed his stories with an extraordinary structure, has become the representative of his generation. Using language, creating stories with few words is an important element in the writer's storytelling. Since the common denominator of psychology and literature is human and human behavior. It is inevitable that these two disciplines feed one another and form a resource for each other. While depicting life in his stories, he was able to reach meaning integrity by making use of very few words. In this way, he succeeded in attracting and impressing the reader with brief narratives. Existentialism, like Kafka, was evident in his stories. In this article, we tried to analyze Ferit Edgu's stories based on his language, technical elements, richness of expression and beauty concerns.


- Ferit Edgu, Hakkari, Sait Faik,, story, short story.