We all know that verbal communication differs from the simple implementation of linguistic possibilities in a certain material form. Verbal communication is situational, so its forms and expressiveness are multifaceted.
Nov, in Uzbek linguistics, cognitive linguistics is a new direction of research that determines the cognitive characteristics of linguistic units. In connection with the common language and national thinking, the main task of this direction is to study the cognitive, expressive, accumulative aspects of each linguistic phenomenon. Indeed, in the Uzbek environment, this period requires an analysis of the language with its owner in the presence of such factors as social environment, culture, nationality.
In this article, verbal (synonymy, gradonymy, antonymy, paraphrase, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, phraseology, euphemism, etc.) and non-verbal (tone, silent unit) language serve to reveal medical euphemistic meanings as a means of realizing linguopragmatics.
Linguistics, verbal communicationHow to Cite
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