This article analyzes the attitude of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur and Haydar Mirza to comedy, the humorous mood of the work. Bobur's artistic skills are studied in comparison with his literary views on comedy. The common and individual aspects of the literary style of Haydar Mirza and Babur are explored. The main sources for the analysis of the literary thinking of the writers are "Boburnoma" and "Tarihi Rashidi". These works are based on observations about the role of humor and satire in other fields. Bobur and Haydar's attitude to satire is comparable. This article uses biographical as well as comparative analysis of methods. Observations suggest that humor played an important role in determining Bobur's literary potential. In Haydar Mirzo's "Tarihi Rashidi" the attitude to humor and satire is limited. In the style of Haydar Mirzo, it was found that the author followed the principle of impartiality, which is characteristic of historians, and kept the tradition in the literary style.
Literary historical works, humorHow to Cite
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