One of the most important sources for the creation of prose works in Arabic literature is the book "Siyarat"[1]. We know that we mainly write biography books in prose, and some of these sources attract the reader's attention with their artistic skills. In addition, the chronicles and battles of the lives of Muslim caliphs, kings and emirs, and commanders who ruled at different times also play an important role in the development of Arabic prose. We also considered these works to be rich in artistic sources. Correspondence of Arab rulers, sermons and sermons of scholars are also among the foundations of Arabic prose.
[1] Пайғамбаримиз Муҳаммад саллоллоҳу алайҳи ва саллам ҳаётларига оид китоблар.
Modern Arabic literature, novel, Eastern RenaissanceHow to Cite
Пайғамбаримиз Муҳаммад саллоллоҳу алайҳи ва саллам ҳаётларига оид китоблар.
Араб файласуфи ва тарихчи Ибн Халдуннинг (1332-1406) уч жилддан иборат «Китаб ал-ибар» асарининг 1-қисми «Муқаддима» деб аталади.
Крымский, А. Е. История новой арабской литературы (XIX — начало XX века). В 2 ч. Часть 1 / А. Е. Крымский. — 2-е изд. — М. : Издательство Юрайт, 2018. — 339 с. — (Серия : Антология мысли). С. 4.
Саидова Н.М. АРАБСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА НОВОГО ВРЕМЕНИ Курс лекций для 3-го курса. 2013.