In the following article, we have expressed some views on the relevance of the poetic translations presented in the 2021 issue of the journal "World Literature" to the art and style of the Uzbek language, the achievements and shortcomings, formal features and the content of the ideas put forward in them.
“When I talk about you, I’m explaining myself,” says French writer Victor Hugo. The writer pays attention to the fact that in any work, whether in poetry or prose, the artist's attitude to reality is reflected. In this sense, the translator, when embarking on the translation of a particular work, must first begin the work of translation, correctly understanding the mission of the author - the idea put forward in the work. In addition, performing such a very responsible task requires the translator not only a perfect knowledge of the foreign language but also high potential, knowledge, experience, vocabulary, and creative skills.
Poetry, writer, landscape, poetry, western cultureHow to Cite
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