The subject of the analysis in this article was some issues of the functioning of curses and good wishes in the Uzbek language. Until now, they continue to play an important role in the life of society, because they are used in the daily life of Uzbeks.
The authors, believing that good wishes and curses constitute a significant group in terms of volume in the Uzbek language, consider a number of examples that reflect the functioning of metaphorical curses and good wishes in the Uzbek language.
The article notes that the mentality of each nation determines the different content of a particular concept (which contains knowledge and ideas about the person himself and about the world around him), due to which the picture of the world acquires nationally specific qualities, both in terms of expression and in terms of content. The nationally specific content of the concepts is due to the different experience of cognition of reality and the peculiarities of the evaluation activity of a particular people. The author considers the use of the concepts "earth", "fate", "health", "disease" in curses.
Genre, good, wishesHow to Cite
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