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Navbaxor Toyirjanovna Abdulxakimova , Senior Lecturer, Department of Uzbek Language and Professional Education, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article discusses current issues of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. A variety of methodological approaches and methods, the use of various pedagogical technologies that help solve problems aimed at systematizing and adapting existing knowledge in all aspects of language (in the sociocultural sphere), the main types of speech activity in the educational and scientific spheres ( reading, listening, speaking, writing) helps improve your skills, develop skills in working with special text, and teach the basics of professional oral and written communication. At the present stage of development of methods of teaching RFL, control problems remain relevant for the most objective assessment of the knowledge of students of technical universities, forms of control are constantly being improved.


communicative competence, speech skills and abilities, the principle of scientificity


B.H. Daniyarov . Principles and techniques of original teaching methods. adult language. Scientific and methodological journal of teaching language and literature, Tashkent - 2021, No. 7, pp. 70-73.

B.H. Daniyarov. Comprehensive analysis of the semantic structure and functioning of lexical synonyms. Monograph. Tashkent : Bookmany Publishing House print , 2022. – 156 p. – P. 3–5.

B.H. Daniyarov . Methodology of innovative teaching of speaking in Russian to Uzbek-speaking students of technical universities. - Traditions and innovations in professional training and activities of a teacher : collection. scientific tr. IV International scientific - practical conf . March 24–26, 2022 / edited by I.D. Lelchitsky. – Tver: Tver . state univ., 2022. – Issue . 20. pp. 15-21.

B.H. Daniyarov. An entertaining methodology for intensive teaching of speaking in Russian to Uzbek-speaking students of technical universities / Higher technical education: problems and development paths: materials of the XI International Scientific and Methodological Conference, Minsk, November 24, 2022 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics. – Minsk: BSUIR, 2022. – pp. 49–54.

Daniyarov B.Kh. An entertaining method of teaching the Russian language “Russian language with native Uzbek: interesting and easy” / “ Ommaviy axborot vositalarida til va uslub masalasi : tahlil , ta snif , qiyos ” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy - amaliy conference materiallari .- Tashkent: Tashkent National University, 2023. P. 762-769.

B.H. Daniyarov. N.T. Abdulkhakimova . Professionally oriented teaching of the Russian language to youth of Uzbekistan in the process of integration . - Traditions and innovations in professional training and activities of a teacher: collection. scientific tr. IV International scientific - practical conf . March 24–26, 2022 / edited by I.D. Lelchitsky. – Tver: Tver . state univ., 2022. – Issue . 20. – 254 p. P.150-156.

B.H. Daniyarov, N.T. Abdulkhakimova . Rep . NPK “ Integration of science and higher education in the digital economy” TSUE. Formation of speech competence of students of technical specialties when studying RFL. T.24.10.2022. 56-59 pp.

N.T Abdulkhakimova . B.H. Daniyarov. Textbook for the discipline “Academic and technical communication in Russian” (for students of national groups of non-philological specialties of technical universities). "Fan wa tallim nashriyoti ." Tashkent. 2023

N.T. Abdulkhakimova . The role of the Russian language in the economic integration of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Academic zone. No. 5. 05/17/2023. Germany.

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Navbaxor Toyirjanovna Abdulxakimova. (2024). ABOUT THE FEATURES OF INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING RUSSIAN SPEECH TO STUDENTS OF NON-PHILOLOGICAL SPECIALTIES. Current Research Journal of Pedagogics, 5(03), 28–43.