The article presents the investigation of meaning and usage of the number "one" in Karakalpak language this is due to the fact that number "one" is used in different cases rather than its derivative meaning as a number. In addition to this, there is given the comparison of the number "one" in the Karakalpak language with English and German languages. The result of the research depicts that the similarity of the usage of number "one" that it means indefiniteness not only in the Karakalpak language, but also in English and German languages. However, the difference of the usage of number "one" is that when the number "one" is used as indefinite article, it retains the meaning of the number, which indicates the indefiniteness of that unit. Overall, the number "one" mainly expresses the meaning of indefiniteness in Karakalpak language
Number , , article, , Karakalpak languageHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kudaybergenov Mambetkarim Sarsenbaevich, Seytjanov Jetkerbay Eliwbayevich

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