Section: Articles Published Date: 2023-03-31 Pages: 40-48 Views: 9 Downloads: 17




This scientific article reveals the postmodern elements in the novel "My name is red" by Orhan Pamuk, one of the leading representatives of Turkish postmodern literature. The main idea of the work is to end the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures and to harmonize the two with each other. In the novel "My name is red", Orhan Pamuk skillfully uses the elements of detective fiction, East-West conflict in art, and melodrama in terms of the processing of old motifs and the development of events.

The article emphasizes that the novel "My Name is Red" is a detective fiction and a love story. The novel tells about the colorful world of miniaturists, which is divided by East-West conflicts and is also the scene of fierce debates. The composition of the novel and the way of looking from a polyphonic point of view determine the individual style of the novel. The novel "My name is red" is a novel comprising 59 chapters, which analyze the paradoxes and parallels between history and today through the lives of various people, and reflect the complex reality.

If we compare the novel "My name is red" with other novels by Orkhan Pamuk in a postmodern spirit, this novel can be called a novel full of deep symbols, diverse characters and a chain of interesting events. The novel differs from Pamuk's other novels by its comprehensive themes such as situations, characters, their inner world, ordinary and scary dreams, sexual desires, history, art, and crime. At the same time, this work can be considered a historical, romantic-adventure, and detective novel.


postmodern novel, motive