The article discusses the problem of studying of emotional metaphor in English and Karakalpak languages (on the example of the concept of “anger”). (1) Background: The purpose of this article is to note the importance of paying attention to the following when studying the conceptual nature of metaphors related to the concept of “anger”: (2) Methods: It is considered to be popular the examples which were given by Kövecses. Based on the analysis, he identifies several types of description of the manifestation of anger in English it can also be reflected in the Karakalpak language. (3) Result: Cross-cultural common features of emotion concepts have been studied quite widely in the application of the conceptual approach. In particular, several studies have identified alternatives in English. The results of cross-sectional analysis testify that in all four cultures, the human body is metaphorically compared to a container of anger. (4) Conclusion: The conceptual metaphor theory's ability to explain the structure of emotion concepts provides the theory's superiority over other approaches. Its application lays the groundwork for the identification of linguistic and non-linguistic factors that affect the conceptualization process of emotional concepts.
Concept, metaphor, conceptual metaphorHow to Cite
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