Communicative-pragmatic approach to studying punctuation indicates the importance of its functional description. In the successful completion of communicative activity, it is important not that the writer correctly uses punctuation marks, but that he was able to achieve a goal aimed at expressing a certain meaning. The unanimity of the writer and the reader in the mutual understanding of the text is of primary importance. It should also be taken into account that situational communication provides a special informative content and expressiveness of speech. Also, the norms of the situation are determined by the nature of the information in the text, and the punctuation marks expressed in accordance with the norm perform logical-semantic, highlighting, expressive-emotional and signaling functions. It is a mistake to classify the signs subject to the norm of the situation as created by the author, because they functionally reflect the general stylistic features of different texts. Such signs are among the common signs that are codified only by the semantics and structure of the created text.
Communicative-pragmatic approach, expressiveness of speech, stylistic featuresHow to Cite
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