Teaching legal English has become in demand in the opportunities for those professionals who know English due to globalization, strengthening of economic ties of Uzbekistan with foreign countries and the connection with the expansion of strengthening at a good level. English teachers should help to the development of skills that will help law students to become competitive. Teaching legal English is a complicated but interesting process. When deciding to teach this sublanguage, it should be borne in mind that there are several modern and interactive methods. Teaching legal English to students requires using them in lessons in order to be effective and efficient at the same time. Various activities of these methods are used by teachers with the aim of teaching in deeper perspective.
Legal English, interactive methods, sublanguage,, learning activity, legal systemsHow to Cite
Amy Krois-Lindner & Matt Firth "International Legal English: A Course for Classroom or Self-Study Use: Student's Book". "Cambridge University Press". 2008
Anderson Anne & Tony Lynch. “Listening”. Oxford University Press. 1988
Claire Elizabeth. “ESL teachers’ activities kit”. Prentice Hall Direct. New Jersey. 1998
Gillian D. Brown, Sally Rice "Professional English in Use - Law", Cambridge University Press, 2007
Hadfield Jill. “Advanced Communication Games” Longman Press. New York. 1997
Hess Natalie. “Teaching Large Multilevel Classes” Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2005
Law Barbara. “Assessment and ESL”: An Alternative Approach Teachers Guide Edition. Portage & Main Press. London. 2007
Murtha Sheila & Jane Airey O'Connor. “English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language & Culture in the U.S”. Research & Education Association. Washington. 2011
Schubert F – “Introduction to law and legal system”. Wadsworth, Boston, 2008
Ur Penny. “Teaching Listening Comprehension”, Cambridge. 1984
Vernon Shelly Ann. “ESL Classroom Activities for Teens and Adults: ESL games, fluency activities and grammar drills for EFL and ESL students”. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. 2012
Wyatt R. “Check your English Vocabulary for Law”. Third Edition. A & C Black, London, 2006