The article deals with one of the leading principles of the development of the narrative of the period of independence - the emergence of the problem of psychological analysis. The image of the national character in the Uzbek story of the period of independence and the role of psychology in it are also revealed on the example of the stories of Abdukayum Yuldashev, Lukman Burikhan, Ulugbek Hamdam. The concepts of psychological imagery and psychological interpretation, the problems of the hero’s psyche are widely discussed. Conflicts in the human psyche, heartaches and conflicts between good and evil thoughts, inner experiences are analyzed. Abdukayum Yuldashev’s “Parim bo’lsa”, Lukman Burikhan’s “Cho’ldan kelgan tashvish” (Anxiety from the desert), Ulugbek Hamdam’s “Uzoqdagi Dilnura” (Dilnura in the distance), “Otash” (Fire) stories are analyzed as the object of the article. The character and psychological characteristics of the protagonists of the stories are revealed along with the means of exploring the spiritual world - psychological detail, inner monologue, portrait, image of nature, the process of depicting property. In the literature, there has been talk of artistic psychology and the role of psychoanalysis in the process of creating a national character. The focus is on the artistic and philosophical content of the stories, the places that are not expressed in words, but expressed in words.
Prose, national language, psyche, artistic psychologismHow to Cite
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