The article is devoted to the problem of using a systematic approach to the organization of the pedagogical process. It is based on the fact that one of the main approaches in the modern methodology of pedagogy is a systematic approach, the characteristics of modern methodological knowledge and the uniqueness of the current stage of development of the science of pedagogy, the role of pedagogy in the stages of the development of society, and the changes in defining the goals of pedagogy are based on the change of methodology, the individual Searching for new approaches and methods of formation, development and improvement tools, training a modern specialist with attention to the processes of formation, development and improvement of the educational content, the system-forming element of the pedagogical system, the goals of the pedagogical process, the behavior of all its components, using the systematic approach as a methodological tool and considering the phenomenology of modern pedagogy, implementing the principle of consistency, the issues of the development of the modern pedagogical process were interpreted.
Student, system, pedagogyHow to Cite
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