The article examines the issues of a communicative approach to working with text in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The basis of this method is described in the work of A.A. Akishina and O.E. Kogan “Learning to teach". Russian is a foreign language teaching methodology, i.e. techniques that help to teach the Russian language more successfully and effectively. The book, in particular, examines the variety of methods for working with a foreign language text: strengths and weaknesses, common problems that concern teachers throughout the history of teaching. The modern understanding of how to teach is outlined, the psychological foundations of the assimilation of the Russian text by students are described, how the teacher can influence the audience, which exercises are best used in each case and what the teacher can expect. Specific recommendations on how to avoid shortcomings in the work on grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, what methods of work can be used for the successful development of educational and authentic texts, techniques for developing students' skills of creation, listening, reading, writing. For a novice teacher, to realize their role in the learning process, to understand the psychology of students, to organize the learning process, to choose effective types of work is the main task in teaching. The task of the book is to help everyone who enters the audience as a teacher to realize their pedagogical activity and improve it.
Russian language, text, communicative learningHow to Cite
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