Runic writing became widespread among the Turkic-speaking tribes of Southern Siberia, Central and Central Asia during the historical period when these tribes were part of the largest Central Asian state of the early Middle Ages — the Turkic Khaganate. The first information about the Turk tribe is contained in Chinese sources — the dynastic histories as "Zhou Shu", "Bei Qi Shu", "Sui Shu" and "Bei Shi". The Chinese spelling of the ethnonym-tujue is reconstructed as turkut; this latter form of the ethnonym is unknown in other (non-Chinese) literary monuments of the VI-X centuries. According to historical sources, the design of the name Turk by the plural affix - (y)/, characteristic of the Mongolian languages — is a consequence of the perception of the ethnonym by the Chinese through the medium of the Mongolian-speaking Zhuan-zhuans.
Runic writing, Turkic-speaking tribes, ethnonym, Turkic khaganate, Orkhon texts, monuments,, Kul-tegin, Bilge-Kagan, inscription, Tonyukuk inscription, sarcophagusHow to Cite
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