The article presents the foundational didactic principles that are the theoretical basis for the organization of distance teaching in the field of "Human Anatomy and Physiology" using network teaching aids. In particular, the scientific principle of the teaching material is described. The application of this principle guarantees a comprehensive knowledge of facts and concepts that are scientifically proven, have a worldview and practical significance. The principle of comprehensibility involves the layout and design (presentation of material), the interaction with the educational content, elements of the network educational-methodical complex, developed taking into account the mental and physical age of students. The principle of systematization ensures goal-oriented regulation of students' knowledge and skills. The principle of visualization of the educational material provides demonstration of the studied objects, processes and events. The principle of variability of educational material allows to individualize the process of distance teaching of the subject "Human Anatomy and Physiology" on the basis of a network of educational and methodical complexes.
Distance teaching, teaching material, scientific principle, comprehensibility principle, systematization principle, visualization principle, variability principle, consciousness principle, activity principle, biological knowledge, biological object,, video, interactive method, living nature, theoretical baseHow to Cite
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