The following research work focuses on the process of developing oral speech competency of English as a foreign language of Higher Education students of non- linguistic departments. It is aimed to analyze the existing obstacles and barriers which are preventing the learners from foreign oral communication and find the appropriate solutions to these problems. There has been an attempt to create more suitable teaching strategies of teaching English as a Foreign Language for the students of non-linguistic profiles. We propose renewed and a complex set of teaching strategies involving special interactive activities and using innovative technologies to be implemented in EFL classes.
We organized different surveys using questionaries, open discussions with the students; provided research-analyses, case-studies and observations with foreign language teachers in order to investigate the problems in this area and held experiment lessons, out-of-class trainings considering the learners` needs, their preferences in organizing the foreign lessons, their week-points and other crucial features described below in this article. The results and conclusions are presented at the end of the work. The research considers different types of methods and means of developing speaking skills of a foreign language of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of these tools equally, thus, trying to determine the most effective and suitable ones among them. It considers some specific interaction patterns, communicative activities, and other educational methods and tools as major components of successful teaching both in educational and psychological aspects.
Oral speech, Higher Education students, Speech Situations, Interaction Patterns;, Interactive teaching strategies.How to Cite
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