In the article, a system of modern educational technologies has been created today, and its main task is to ensure the continuity and coherence of the educational content in the educational system, to improve the methodology of teaching subjects, to introduce pedagogical and information technologies into the educational process, to integrate higher education with science and production, and to develop theoretical and practical professional Harmonization of education requires the formation of professional competences of future specialists, despite the fact that a lot of scientific and research work is carried out on the development of professional knowledge and skills of students, in a situation where market relations are being resolved, those who have thoroughly mastered the specialized sciences that can withstand the vital competition that occurs in the labor market, correctly adapt to certain situations It is necessary to ensure the necessary and sufficient level of professional training and the integration of disciplines in order to educate the evaluator as a person who can perform labor activities in various sectors of the economy. the necessity of formation in ita is thoroughly analyzed.
Integration, education, technology, innovation, processHow to Cite
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