Today, the incentive to get an education and its content can be a guarantee of the success of the educational process, to put forward the necessary ideas and proposals for the organization of all stages of education on the basis of a modern technological approach, to teach young people to think comprehensively while giving them deep and reasonable knowledge, during the educational process, students dedicated to the formation of students' ability to learn independently, organization of education based on innovative technologies, activation of students in education, optimization of education based on the principles of modern technological approach. In the article, the organization of all stages of education based on a technological approach, teaching young people to think comprehensively while providing deep and reasonable knowledge, forming the ability of students to acquire independent knowledge in the educational process, organizing education on the basis of innovative technologies, activating pupils and students in education, the principles of the technological approach Based on this, the issues of optimization of education are interpreted.
Technology, student, approach, education, processHow to Cite
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